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Thor 5 (0.8°W) Transponder C01

Orbital position Satellite Norad .ini News channels Free To Air only Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Last updated
0.8°W Thor 7 40613 41 4 0.67°W -0.01° 0.01° N/A N/A 2025-03-11 15:55
0.8°W Thor 5 32487 257 55 0.75°W 0.02° 0.04° N/A N/A 2025-03-17 19:24
0.8°W Thor 6 36033 603 55 0.85°W 0.00° 0.01° N/A N/A 2025-03-27 09:07
0.8°W Intelsat 10-02 28358 67 13 1°W 0.01° 0.02° N/A N/A 2025-03-18 15:41

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28 record(s) - Sorted by frequency - Most recent updates: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
0.8°W 28Thor 5 11216.00VC01EuropeDVB-S28PSK25000 3/4Telenor, 55.7 Mb/s 7027 KingOfSat charts update form
SVT1 Dalarna Sweden Regional Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7392 1558 3758 swe  287  1558  6751  2025-03-17 +
SVT1 Värmland Sweden Regional Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7403 1559 3759 swe  288  1559  6751  2025-03-17 +
SVT1 Örebro Sweden Regional Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7407 1560 3760 swe  289  1560  6751  2025-03-17 +
SVT1 Väst Sweden Regional Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7408 1568 3768 swe  290  1568  6751  2025-03-17 +
SVT1 Öst Sweden Regional Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7438 1569 3769 swe  291  1569  6751  2025-03-17 +
SVT1 Småland Sweden Regional Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7439 1570 3770 swe  292  1570  6751  2025-03-17 +
SVT1 Skåne Sweden Regional Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7440 1571 3771 swe  293  1571  6751  2025-03-17 +
SVT1 Gävleborg Sweden Regional Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7448 1572 3772 swe  294  1572  6751  2025-03-17 +
SVT1 Jämtland Sweden Regional Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7449 1573 3773 swe  295  1573  6751  2025-03-17 +
SVT1 Jönköping Sweden Regional Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7451 1574 3774 swe  296  1574  6751  2025-03-17 +
SVT 1 HD Sweden General Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7551 1551 3751 swe
4751 swe 
298  1551  6751  2025-03-17 +
SVT 2 HD Sweden General Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7552 1552 3572 swe
4752 swe 
299  1552  6752  2025-03-17 +
SVTB/SVT24 HD Sweden News Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7553 1553 3753 swe
4753 swe 
321  1553  6753  2025-03-17 +
Kunskapskanalen HD Sweden Various Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7554 1554 3754 swe
4754 swe 
330  1554  6754  2025-03-17 +
SVT1 Norrbotten Sweden Regional Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7555 1555 3755 swe  284  1555  6751  2025-03-17 +
SVT1 Västerbotten Sweden Regional Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7556 1556 3756 swe  285  1556  6751  2025-03-17 +
SVT1 Västernorrland Sweden Regional Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7557 1557 3757 swe  286  1557  6751  2025-03-17 +
SVT1 HD - Text Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7564 1551 3751 swe
4751 swe 
360  1551  6751  2025-03-17
SVT2 HD - Text Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7565 1552 3572 swe
4752 swe 
361  1552  6752  2025-03-17
SVT Barn/SVT24 HD - Text Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7566 1553 3753 swe
4753 swe 
362  1553  6753  2025-03-17
Kunskapskanalen HD - Text Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7567 1554 3754 swe
4754 swe 
363  1554  6754  2025-03-17
SVTB/SVT24 HD Sweden News Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
17020 1553 3753 swe
4753 swe 
921  1553  6753  2025-03-17 +
SVT1 HD - Talande Text Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
17564 1551 3564 swe  964  1551    2025-03-17
SVT2 HD - Talande Text Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
17565 1552 3565 swe  965  1552    2025-03-17
SVT Barn/SVT24 HD - Talande Text Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
17566 1553 3566 swe  966  1553    2025-03-17
Kunskapskanalen HD - Talande Text Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
17567 1554 3567 swe  967  1554    2025-03-17
SVT Barn HD - Talande Text Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
18566 1553 3566 swe  986  1553    2025-03-17
SVT24 HD - Talande Text Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
18567 1553 3566 swe  987  1553    2025-03-17

Detailed transponder stream properties (11216.00 V)

SID Ident. PID Format Colorimetry Width Height Aspect Ratio Frame rate
Sampling rate
Bitrate mode Bitrate Scan type Last updated
7392 1558 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
7392 3758 AAC 2025-03-28
7403 1559 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
7403 3759 AAC 2025-03-28
7407 1560 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
7407 3760 AAC 2025-03-28
7408 1568 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
7408 3768 AAC 2025-03-28
7438 1569 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
7438 3769 AAC 2025-03-28
7439 1570 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
7439 3770 AAC 2025-03-28
7440 1571 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
7440 3771 AAC 2025-03-28
7448 1572 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
7448 3772 AAC 2025-03-28
7449 1573 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
7449 3773 AAC 2025-03-28
7451 1574 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
7451 3774 AAC 2025-03-28
7555 1555 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
7555 3755 AAC 2025-03-28
7555 6751 Teletext 2025-03-28
7556 1556 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
7556 3756 AAC 2025-03-28
7557 1557 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
7557 3757 AAC 2025-03-28
7564 3751 AAC 2025-03-28
7564 4751 AC-32 channels 2025-03-28
7565 1552 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
7565 3572 AAC 2025-03-28
7565 4752 AC-32 channels 2025-03-28
7565 6752 Teletext 2025-03-28
7567 1554 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
7567 3754 AAC 2025-03-28
7567 4754 AC-32 channels 2025-03-28
7567 6754 Teletext 2025-03-28
17020 1553 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
17020 3753 AAC 2025-03-28
17020 4753 AC-32 channels 2025-03-28
17020 6753 Teletext 2025-03-28
17564 1551 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-28
17564 3564 AAC 2025-03-28
17565 3565 AAC 2025-03-28
17567 3567 AAC 2025-03-28
18567 3566 AAC 2025-03-28

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