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Intelsat 20 (IS-20) (68.5°E) Transponder LM1C

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68.5°E Intelsat 20 (IS-20) 38740 454 264 68.48°E -0.01° 0.02° N/A N/A 2025-03-26 14:50

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43 record(s) - Sorted by frequency - Most recent updates: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
68.5°E 43Intelsat 20 (IS-20) 3740.00HLM1CCDVB-S28PSK30000 3/4714 b/s 1301 KingOfSat charts update form
Discovery Channel India India Documentaries PowerVu 40 1401 1402 hin
1404 eng
1406 ben
1408 tel 
5040  1401    2021-12-08 +
DSC India - English PowerVu 41 1401 1404 eng  5041  1401    2021-12-08
DSC India - Aux PowerVu 42 1401 1404 eng  5042  1401    2021-12-09
DSC India - Telugu PowerVu 43 1401 1408 tel  5043  1401    2021-12-13
PowerVu 44 1401 1406 ben  5044  1401    2024-10-13
Discovery Tamil Nadu India Documentaries PowerVu 45 1451 1452 tam  5045  1451    2021-12-08 +
Discovery India - Tamil PowerVu 46 1401 1410 tam
1412 mal
1414 kan 
5046  1401    2022-04-02
PowerVu 47 1401 1412 mal  5047  1401    2024-10-13
DSC India - Kannada PowerVu 48 1401 1414 kan  5048  1401    2021-12-27
PowerVu 49 1401 1402 hin
1404 eng 
5049  1401    2024-10-13
Animal Planet India India Documentaries PowerVu 60 1711 1712 hin
1714 eng
1716 tam 
5060  1711    2021-12-08 +
APL India - English PowerVu 61 1711 1714 eng  5061  1711    2021-12-08
PowerVu 62 1711 1714 eng  5062  1711    2024-10-13
APL India - Tamil PowerVu 63 1711 1716 tam  5063  1711    2021-12-13
Investigation Discovery India India Documentaries PowerVu 81 1811 1812 hin
1813 eng 
5081  1811    2021-12-08 +
Investigation Discovery India India Documentaries PowerVu 81 1811 1812 hin
1813 eng 
5081  1811    2021-12-08 +
Investigation Discovery India HD India Documentaries PowerVu 82 1500 1501 hin
1502 eng 
5082  1500    2021-12-08 +
Discovery Science India
India Documentaries PowerVu 90 1910 1912 eng
1914 hin 
5090  1910    2021-12-08 +
Science India - Hindi PowerVu 91 1910 1914 hin  5091  1910    2021-12-08
Discovery Turbo India India Documentaries PowerVu 100 2011 2012 eng  5100  2011    2021-12-08 +
TLC India India Documentaries PowerVu 120 2211 2212 hin
2214 eng 
5120  2211    2021-12-08 +
TLC India - English PowerVu 121 2211 2214 eng  5121  2211    2021-12-08
DHD India - Malayalam PowerVu 131 2511 2516 mal
2517 kan
2519 ben 
5131  2511    2021-12-09
DHD India - Kannada PowerVu 132 2511 2517 kan  5132  2511    2022-01-30
PowerVu 133 2511 2512 eng
2513 hin 
5133  2511    2024-10-13
DHD India - Bengali PowerVu 134 2511 2519 ben  5134  2511    2021-12-08
Kids India - Malayalam India Children PowerVu 139 2411 2415 mal  5139  2411    2021-12-08 +
Kids India - Malayalam India Children PowerVu 139 2411 2415 mal  5139  2411    2021-12-08 +
Kids India India Children PowerVu 140 2411 2412 eng
2414 hin
2416 tam
2418 tel 
5140  2411    2021-12-08 +
Kids India - Hindi PowerVu 141 2411 2414 hin
2415 mal
2418 tel
2422 kan 
5141  2411    2021-12-27
Kids India - Tamil PowerVu 142 2411 2416 tam  5142  2411    2022-04-03
Kids India - Telugu PowerVu 143 2411 2418 tel  5143  2411    2021-12-09
PowerVu 144 2411 2422 kan  5144  2411    2024-10-13
DHD India - Hindi PowerVu 145 2511 2513 hin  5145  2511    2021-12-27
PowerVu 146 2511 2514 tam  5146  2511    2024-10-13
DHD India - Telugu PowerVu 147 2511 2515 tel  5147  2511    2021-12-13
Discovery Channel HD India India Documentaries PowerVu 150 2511 2512 eng
2513 hin
2514 tam
2515 tel 
5150  2511    2021-12-08 +
TLC HD World India India Documentaries PowerVu 151 2611 2612 eng
2613 hin 
5151  2611    2021-12-08 +
Animal Planet HD World India India Documentaries PowerVu 152 3111 3112 eng
3113 hin
3115 tam 
5152  3111    2021-12-08 +
APL HDW India - Tamil PowerVu 153 3111 3115 tam  5153  3111    2021-12-08
TLC HDW India - Hindi PowerVu 157 2611 2613 hin  5157  2611    2021-12-08
Animal Planet HDW India - Hindi PowerVu 160 3111 3113 hin  5160  3111    2021-12-11
Conax 175 201 202 hin
203 hin
204 tam
205 tel
206 kan
207 mal
208 mar
209 eng 
430  201    2024-10-13

Detailed transponder stream properties (3740.00 H)

SID Ident. PID Format Colorimetry Width Height Aspect Ratio Frame rate
Sampling rate
Bitrate mode Bitrate Scan type Last updated
40 1402 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
40 1406 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
41 1401 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-13
41 1404 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
43 1408 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
45 1451 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-13
45 1452 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
47 1412 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
48 1414 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
60 1711 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-13
60 1712 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
60 1714 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
60 1716 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
82 1500 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-13
82 1501 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
82 1502 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
100 2011 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-13
100 2012 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
132 2511 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-13
132 2517 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
134 2519 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
139 2411 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-13
139 2411 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-13
139 2415 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
139 2415 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
141 2414 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
141 2418 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
141 2422 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
145 2513 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
147 2515 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
150 2512 AC-33 channels 2024-10-13
150 2514 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13
157 2611 AVC 4, High N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-13
157 2613 MPEG Audio 2024-10-13

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