Es'hail 1 (25.5°E), 2024-11-03
Al Maghribia has left 11547.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:10607 PID:107/207 Arabic)
Es'hail 2 (26°E), 2024-11-03
Al Maghribia has left 10890.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:50 PID:5001/5002 Arabic)
Es'hail 1 (25.5°E), 2024-10-13
A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Clear: Al Maghribia (Morocco) on 11547.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:2/3 SID:10607 PID:107/207 Arabic.
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2024-09-01
Al Maghribia has left 10727.37MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:4720 PID:4722/4723 Arabic)
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2021-02-19
New SID for Al Maghribia on 10727.37MHz, pol.H FEC:7/8 SR:27500: SID:4720 ( PID:4722/4723 Arabic - Clear).
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2021-02-12
New frequency for Al Maghribia: 10727.37MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:7/8 SID:4770 PID:4772/4773 Arabic- Clear).
Eutelsat 33E, 2021-01-21
Al Maghribia has left 10758.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:210 PID:2101[H.265]/2102 Arabic)
Arabsat 5C (20°E), 2019-07-31
Al Maghribia is back on 3884.00MHz, pol.R SR:27500 FEC:5/6 SID:5645 after a break ( PID:526/5645 - Clear).
Eutelsat 5 West A (9.1°W), 2019-07-03
Al Maghribia has left 3727.00MHz, pol.R (DVB-S SID:904 PID:3040/3041 Arabic)
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2019-01-04
Al Maghribia has left 11257.61MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID:404 PID:641/642 Arabic)
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2018-11-16
New FEC for Al Maghribia on 11257.61MHz, pol.H: FEC:5/6 ( SR:27500 SID:404 PID:641/642 Arabic - Clear).
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2018-09-19
Al Maghribia switched to DVB-S2 at 11257.61MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:5/6 PID:641/642 Arabic.
Eutelsat 33E, 2018-09-06
A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Irdeto 2: Al Maghribia (Morocco) on 10758.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:5/6 SID:210 PID:2101[H.265]/2102 Arabic.
Nilesat 201 (7°W), 2017-11-11
Al Maghribia has left 11823.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:1104 PID:1005/1007 Arabic)
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2017-11-10
New frequency for Al Maghribia: 11257.61MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:5/6 SID:404 PID:641/642 Arabic- Clear).
Nilesat 201 (7°W), 2017-11-07
New frequency for Al Maghribia: 11823.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:5/6 SID:1104 PID:1005/1007 Arabic- Clear).
Nilesat 201 (7°W), 2017-07-01
Al Maghribia has left 11823.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:1104 PID:1005/1007 Arabic French)
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2017-02-07
Al Maghribia has left 12188.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:1104 PID:1005/1007 English)
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2016-11-21
A new channel has started in DVB-S Clear: Al Maghribia (Morocco) on 12188.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:5/6 SID:1104 PID:1005/1007 English.
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2015-01-12
New frequency for Al Maghribia: 11476.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:5 PID:501/502 Arabic French- Clear).
Eutelsat 33D, 2012-10-30
New PID for Al Maghribia: PID:308/309 Arabic French SID:1 (10873.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 - Clear).
Eutelsat 33D, 2012-10-10
New PID for Al Maghribia: PID:309/308 Arabic French SID:1 (10873.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 - Clear).
Badr 4 (26°E), 2012-10-09
New PID for Al Maghribia: PID:5001/5002 Arabic SID:50 (12682.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 - Clear).
Nilesat 201 (7°W), 2012-06-15
Al Maghribia switched to Nilesat 201 satellite at 11823.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S , 11823.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:5/6 PID:1005/1007 Arabic French).
Eutelsat 33D, 2011-10-10
New frequency for Al Maghribia: 11642.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:10625 PID:1251/1252 Arabic French- Clear).
Eutelsat 5 West A (9.1°W), 2011-08-05
New SID for Al Maghribia on 3727.00MHz, pol.R FEC:7/8 SR:29950: SID:904 ( PID:3040/3041 Arabic - Clear).
NSS 7, 2011-07-15
Al Maghribia has left 3644.00MHz, pol.R (DVB-S SID:105 PID:125/135 Arabic)
Badr 4 (26°E), 2011-06-22
A new channel has started in DVB-S Clear: Al Maghribia (Morocco) on 12682.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:50 PID:5002/5003 French Arabic.
Eutelsat 5 West A (9.1°W), 2011-05-29
Al Maghribia (Morocco) broadcasts in DVB-S Clear on 3727.00MHz, pol.R SR:29950 FEC:7/8 SID:902 PID:3040/3041 Arabic.
Eutelsat 48C (1.2°E), 2011-05-12
A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Clear: Al Maghribia (Morocco) on 11477.00MHz, pol.H SR:15707 FEC:3/4 SID:10 PID:2562/2564 Arabic French,2566.
Nilesat 101 (33.1°E), 2011-04-01
Al Maghribia has left 11843.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:615 PID:3003/3004 Arabic)
Atlantic Bird 4A, 2011-03-10
New frequency for Al Maghribia: 11296.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:5/6 SID:1104 PID:1005/1007 Arabic French- Clear).
Nilesat 101 (33.1°E), 2011-03-04
A new channel has started in DVB-S Clear: Al Maghribia (Morocco) on 11843.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:5/6 SID:615 PID:3003/3004 Arabic.
Nilesat 101 (33.1°E), 2011-03-02
Al Maghribia has left 11843.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:615 PID:3003/3004 Arabic)
Nilesat 101 (33.1°E), 2011-02-26
Al Maghribia (Morocco) broadcasts in DVB-S Clear on 11843.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:5/6 SID:615 PID:3003/3004 Arabic.
Badr 4 (26°E), 2010-06-21
Al Maghribia has left 11977.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:7 PID:4880/4881 Arabic French)
Badr 6 (20.4°E), 2010-05-20
Al Maghribia has left 11766.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:5 PID:1560/1520 Arabic)
Badr 4 (26°E), 2010-05-13
New frequency for Al Maghribia: 11977.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:7 PID:4880/4881 Arabic French- Clear).
Nilesat 101 (33.1°E), 2009-10-26
New FEC for Al Maghribia on 11823.00MHz, pol.V: FEC:5/6 ( SR:27500 SID:1104 PID:1005/1007 Arabic French - Clear).
Badr 6 (20.4°E), 2009-08-05
New frequency for Al Maghribia: 11766.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:5 PID:1560/1520 Arabic- Clear).
Eutelsat 33F (33°E), 2009-03-07
Al Maghribia has left 12673.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:1 PID:308/309 French)
Hot Bird 13C (12.5°W), 2009-02-17
Al Maghribia switched to Hot Bird 13C satellite at 12673.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S , 12673.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 PID:308/309 French).
Eutelsat 33D, 2009-02-13
New frequency for Al Maghribia: 10873.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:1 PID:308/309 French- Clear).
Eutelsat 48A, 2006-05-04
Al Maghribia has left 11727.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:13730 PID:2821/2822 Arabic)
Eutelsat W2, 2005-06-21
Al Maghribia has left 11010.50MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:1 PID:258/259)
Eutelsat 48A, 2005-06-20
Al Maghribia is back on 11727.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:13730 after a break ( PID:2831/2832 Arabic - Clear).
Eutelsat 16B, 2005-06-20
New SID for Al Maghribia on 12673.00MHz, pol.V FEC:3/4 SR:27500: SID:1 ( PID:308/309 Arabic - Clear).
Eutelsat 16B, 2005-06-19
New PID for Al Maghribia: PID:48/49 Arabic SID:4201 (12673.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 - Clear).
Eutelsat 48A, 2005-06-19
Al Maghribia has left 11727.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:13730 PID:2731/2732 Arabic)
Eutelsat 16B, 2005-06-03
New frequency for Al Maghribia: 12673.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:4201 PID:308/256 Arabic- Clear).
Eutelsat W2, 2004-12-17
New SR for Al Maghribia on 11011.00MHz, pol.V: SR:13020 ( FEC:2/3 SID:1 PID:258/259 - Clear).
Nilesat 101 (33.1°E), 2004-11-18
A new channel has started in DVB-S Clear: Al Maghribia (Morocco) on 11823.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:1104 PID:1005/1007 Arabic French.
Eutelsat W2, 2004-11-18
A new channel has started in DVB-S Clear: Al Maghribia (Morocco) on 11010.00MHz, pol.V SR:5632 FEC:3/4 SID:1 PID:258/259.
Eutelsat 48A, 2004-11-18
A new channel has started in DVB-S Clear: Al Maghribia (Morocco) on 11727.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:13730 PID:2731/2732 Arabic.
Eutelsat 48A, 2004-11-17
A testcard identified Al Maghribia has started in Clear on 11727.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:13730 PID:2731/2732 Arabic.
Eutelsat W2, 2004-11-16
A testcard identified Al Maghribia has started in Clear on 11010.00MHz, pol.V SR:5632 FEC:3/4 SID:1 PID:258/259.
Badr 3, 2004-07-20
Al Maghribia has left 11938.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:509 PID:3160/3120 Arabic), it is no longer transmitted by satellite in Europe.
Badr 3, 2004-07-02
A new channel has started in DVB-S Clear: Al Maghribia (Morocco) on 11938.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:509 PID:3160/3120 Arabic.
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