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TVP (All satellites) - 19 record(s) - Most recent updates: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E)
9.0°E 1Eutelsat 9B 12226.00VIT4ItalyDVB-S2
PLS: Root+8
Stream 20
31400 2/3RL Toscana 1, 24.9 Mb/s 857220705 KingOfSat charts update form
TvP Italia Italy Regional TVP Clear 5011 2200 2201 ita  211  2200    2023-11-01 +
Hot Bird 13F / Hot Bird 13G (13.0°E)
13.0°E 2Hot Bird 13G 10719.00V110EuropeDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4CANAL+, 61.3 Mb/s 31811000 KingOfSat charts update form
TVP HD Poland General Orange Polska
Platforma Canal+
Polsat Box
Irdeto 2
Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 3.0
4408 167 109 pol
110 qaa
111 pol 
1008  167    2025-03-07 +
TVP Info HD Poland News Orange Polska
Platforma Canal+
Polsat Box
Clear 4409 168 112 pol  1009  168    2025-03-07 +
13.0°E 1Hot Bird 13G 10758.00V112EuropeDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4PolsatBox, 61.3 Mb/s 31811200 KingOfSat charts update form
TVP Rozrywka
Poland Music Orange Polska
Platforma Canal+
Polsat Box
Irdeto 2
Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 3.0
17032 306 562 pol  52  306    2025-03-04 +
13.0°E 6Hot Bird 13G 10796.00V114EuropeDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4CANAL+, 61.3 Mb/s 31811400 KingOfSat charts update form
TVP Kultura
Poland Cultural Orange Polska
Platforma Canal+
Polsat Box
Irdeto 2
Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 3.0
15705 164 96 pol
97 pol 
1005  164  505  2023-05-31 +
TVP SERIALE Polsat Box Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
15758 167 108 pol
109 pol 
1058  167  508  2023-05-31
TVP Seriale
Poland Series Orange Polska
Platforma Canal+
Polsat Box
Irdeto 2
Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 3.0
15708 167 108 pol
109 pol 
1008  167  508  2023-09-18 +
TVP ABC Poland Various Orange Polska
Platforma Canal+
Polsat Box
Irdeto 2
Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 3.0
15711 170 120 pol  1011  170    2023-05-31 +
TVP Historia Polsat Box Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
15769 178 154 pol
155 pol 
1069  178  519  2023-05-31
TVP Historia
Poland History Orange Polska
Platforma Canal+
Polsat Box
Irdeto 2
Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 3.0
15719 178 154 pol
155 des 
1019  178  519  2023-05-31 +
13.0°E 1Hot Bird 13G 11075.00V128EuropeDVB-S28PSK30000 3/465.3 Mb/s 31812800 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
TVP Polonia
Poland General MB Satellite Clear 3715 1510 1520 pol
1530 pol 
1500  1510  1540  2023-09-11 +
13.0°E 5Hot Bird 13G 11449.00H13EuropeDVB-S28PSK27500 5/6CANAL+, 68.2 Mb/s 3181300 KingOfSat charts update form
TVP Dokument HD Poland Documentaries Orange Polska
Platforma Canal+
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 3.0
15005 164 96 pol
97 qaa
98 pol 
1005  164    2024-07-28 +
TVP Sport HD Poland Sport Polsat Box Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
15056 165 100 pol
102 pol 
1056  165    2024-07-28 +
TVP Sport HD Poland Sport Orange Polska
Platforma Canal+
Polsat Box
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 3.0
15006 165 100 pol  1006  165    2024-07-28 +
TVP 1 HD Platforma Canal+
Polsat Box
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
15067 534 634 pol
734 vo 
1067  534  834  2024-07-28
TVP 1 HD Poland General Orange Polska
Platforma Canal+
Polsat Box
Irdeto 2
Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 3.0
15037 534 634 pol
734 vo 
1037  534  834  2024-07-28 +
13.0°E 1Hot Bird 13G 11487.77H15EuropeDVB-S28PSK27500 5/6CANAL+, 68.2 Mb/s 3181500 KingOfSat charts update form
Poland General Orange Polska
Platforma Canal+
Polsat Box
Irdeto 2
Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 3.0
5111 170 120 pol  1011  170  511  2024-06-23 +
13.0°E 2Hot Bird 13G 12264.50V78EuropeDVB-S28PSK27500 3/461.3 Mb/s 1137800 KingOfSat charts update form
TVP 2 HD Orange Polska
Platforma Canal+
Polsat Box
Irdeto 2
Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 3.0
3116 1542 1540 pol
1541 vo 
68  1542  1543  2023-09-11
TVP 2 HD Poland General Orange Polska
Platforma Canal+
Polsat Box
Irdeto 2
Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 3.0
3106 1542 1540 pol
1541 vo 
58  1542  1543  2023-09-11 +

The Channel Cemetery - 8 record(s)

Name Country
Name, Pos. Freq/Pol SR, FEC Encryption SID Video Audio Last updated

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