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Change Log: Cartoonito Central & East Europe

Cartoonito Central & East Europe (Hungary, Children)

Cartoonito Central & East Europe

 Amos 3 (4°W), 2025-01-30
T-Home: Cartoonito Central & East Europe has left 10842.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:1603 PID:54[MPEG-4]/51 aac English,52 Hungarian)

 Amos 3 (4°W), 2025-01-28
T-Home: Cartoonito Central & East Europe (Hungary) is now transmitted Free To Air (10842.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:1603 PID:54[MPEG-4]/51 aac English,52 Hungarian).

 Hellas Sat 3 (39°E), 2024-10-21
Orange Romania: New frequency for Cartoonito Central & East Europe: 12524.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SR:30000 FEC:7/8 SID:148 PID:248/348 Romanian,448 Hungarian,548 English- Viaccess 2.6 & VideoGuard).

 Astra 3B (23.5°E), 2024-06-11
SkyLink: Cartoonito Central & East Europe has left 11739.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:6036 PID:517[MPEG-4]/90 English,91 Czech)

 Astra 3B (23.5°E), 2024-05-23
SkyLink: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Conax & Cryptoworks & Irdeto 2 & Nagravision 3 & Viaccess 3.0: Cartoonito Central & East Europe (Hungary) on 12090.00MHz, pol.V SR:29900 FEC:2/3 SID:779 PID:7481[MPEG-4]/7482 Czech,7483 English.

 Eutelsat 9B (9°E), 2023-12-11
Cartoonito Central & East Europe is now encrypted in Viaccess 6.0 (11919.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:6400 PID:6411[MPEG-4] /6421 Polish,6422 English,6423 Hungarian,6424 Romanian,6425 Russian,6426 Dutch,6427 Bulgarian,6428 Croatian,6429 Serbian,6430 Slovenian,6431 Czech,6432 English,6433 Czech,6434 Polish).
Cartoonito Central & East Europe (Hungary) is now transmitted Free To Air (11919.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:6400 PID:6411[MPEG-4] /6421 Polish,6422 English,6423 Hungarian,6424 Romanian,6425 Russian,6426 Dutch,6427 Bulgarian,6428 Croatian,6429 Serbian,6430 Slovenian,6431 Czech,6432 English,6433 Czech,6434 Polish).

 Eutelsat 21B (21.6°E), 2023-08-17
Cartoonito Central & East Europe is now encrypted in Viaccess 6.0 (10723.00MHz, pol.V SR:32115 FEC:1/2 SID:4500 PID:4511[MPEG-4]/4521 Polish,4522 English,4523 Hungarian,4524 Romanian,4525 Russian,4526 Czech).

 Eutelsat 21B (21.6°E), 2023-08-15
Cartoonito Central & East Europe (Hungary) is now transmitted Free To Air (10723.00MHz, pol.V SR:32115 FEC:1/2 SID:4500 PID:4511[MPEG-4]/4521 Polish,4522 English,4523 Hungarian,4524 Romanian,4525 Russian,4526 Czech).

 Eutelsat 9B (9°E), 2023-06-14
A new channel has started in DVB-S2 DVB Scrambling & Viaccess 6.0: Cartoonito Central & East Europe (Hungary) on 11919.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:6400 PID:6411[MPEG-4] /6421 Polish,6422 English,6423 Hungarian,6424 Romanian,6425 Russian,6426 Dutch,6427 Bulgarian,6428 Croatian,6429 Serbian,6430 Slovenian,6431 Czech.

 Eutelsat 21B (21.6°E), 2023-05-05
A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Viaccess 6.0: Cartoonito Central & East Europe (Hungary) on 10723.00MHz, pol.V SR:32115 FEC:1/2 SID:4500 PID:4511[MPEG-4]/4521 Polish,4522 English,4523 Hungarian,4524 Romanian,4525 Russian,4526 Czech.

 Astra 3B (23.5°E), 2023-03-21
SkyLink: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Conax & Cryptoworks & Irdeto 2 & Nagravision 3 & Viaccess 5.0: Cartoonito Central & East Europe (Hungary) on 11739.00MHz, pol.V SR:29900 FEC:2/3 SID:6036 PID:517[MPEG-4]/90 English,91 Czech.

 Thor 5 (0.8°W), 2023-03-21
Digi TV & Focus Sat: A new channel has started in DVB-S Conax & Cryptoworks & Irdeto 2 & Nagravision 3: Cartoonito Central & East Europe (Hungary) on 11938.00MHz, pol.H SR:28000 FEC:7/8 SID:30710 PID:551/560 Hungarian,562 English,563 Romanian,564 Polish,565 Russian,566 Czech.

 Amos 3 (4°W), 2023-03-21
T-Home: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Conax: Cartoonito Central & East Europe (Hungary) on 10842.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:1603 PID:54[MPEG-4]/51 aac English,52 Hungarian.


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