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Change Log: RTP Africa

RTP Africa (Portugal, General)

RTP Africa

 SES 4 (22°W), 2024-12-26
A new channel has started in DVB-S Clear: RTP Africa (Portugal) on 3809.00MHz, pol.R SR:5700 FEC:1/2 SID:2 PID:102[MPEG-4]/202 Portuguese.

 Eutelsat 3B (3°E), 2021-04-05
New frequency for RTP Africa: 4064.00MHz, pol.L (DVB-S2 SR:33900 FEC:3/5 SID:173 PID:383[H.265]/368- Clear).

 Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), 2021-02-27
Nos: RTP Africa has left 12207.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID:362 PID:6009[MPEG-4]/6010 Portuguese)
Meo: RTP Africa has left 12207.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID:1312 PID:6009[MPEG-4]/6010)

 Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), 2021-01-26
Nos: New frequency for RTP Africa: 12130.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:166 PID:5017[MPEG-4]/5018- Nagravision 3).
New frequency for RTP Africa: 12130.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:1116 PID:5017[MPEG-4]/5018- Nagravision 3).

 Intelsat 901 (27.5°W), 2020-10-14
RTP Africa has left 3925.00MHz, pol.R (DVB-S2 SID:2 PID:102[MPEG-4]/202 Portuguese)

 Intelsat 907, 2020-03-26
New frequency for RTP Africa: 3830.00MHz, pol.R (DVB-S SR:8842 FEC:1/2 SID:2 PID:102[MPEG-4]/202 Portuguese- Clear).

 Eutelsat 10A (12°W), 2019-01-22
RTP Africa (Portugal) is now transmitted Free To Air (3676.00MHz, pol.R SR:28070 FEC:5/6 SID:173 PID:579[H.265]/835 Portuguese).

 Intelsat 907, 2018-03-04
RTP Africa has left 3838.00MHz, pol.R (DVB-S SID:2 PID:102/202 Portuguese)

 Eutelsat 10A (12°W), 2016-02-24
RTP Africa has left 10938.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:7906 PID:383[MPEG-4]/368 Portuguese)

 Eutelsat 10A (12°W), 2015-12-06
A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Clear: RTP Africa (Portugal) on 10938.00MHz, pol.V SR:10000 FEC:5/6 SID:7906 PID:383[MPEG-4]/368 Portuguese.

 Eutelsat 10A (12°W), 2013-12-08
RTP Africa has left 10809.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:103 PID:1031[MPEG-4]/1032 Portuguese)
New frequency for RTP Africa: 10832.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SR:8876 FEC:5/6 SID:103 PID:1031[MPEG-4]/1032 Portuguese- Conax).

 Eutelsat 10A (12°W), 2013-11-05
RTP Africa has left 10832.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:103 PID:1031[MPEG-4]/1032 Portuguese)
New frequency for RTP Africa: 10809.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SR:8876 FEC:5/6 SID:103 PID:1031[MPEG-4]/1032 Portuguese- Conax).

 Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), 2013-11-02
Nos: RTP Africa has left 12418.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:620 PID:6780/6781 Portuguese)

 Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), 2013-10-15
Meo & Nos: New frequency for RTP Africa: 12207.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:1312 PID:6009[MPEG-4]/6010 Portuguese- Mediaguard 3 & Nagravision 3).

 Hispasat 1C, 2013-10-15
Meo: RTP Africa has left 12012.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID:103 PID:4113[MPEG-4]/4114 Portuguese)

 Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), 2013-10-15
Meo: RTP Africa has left 12130.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID:103 PID:4113[MPEG-4]/4114 Portuguese)

 Eutelsat 10A (12°W), 2013-09-23
New SR for RTP Africa on 10832.00MHz, pol.V: SR:8876 ( FEC:5/6 SID:103 PID:1031[MPEG-4]/1032 Portuguese - Conax).

 Hispasat 1C, 2013-09-10
Meo: New frequency for RTP Africa: 12012.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:103 PID:4113[MPEG-4]/4114 Portuguese- Mediaguard 3 & Nagravision 3).

 Hispasat 1C, 2013-07-08
Meo: RTP Africa has left 12012.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID:103 PID:4113[MPEG-4]/4114 Portuguese)

 Hispasat 30W-4, 2013-05-28
Nos: RTP Africa has left 12149.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:503 PID:7450/7451 Portuguese)

 Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), 2013-05-28
Nos: New frequency for RTP Africa: 12418.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:5/6 SID:620 PID:6780/6781 Portuguese- Nagravision 3).

 Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), 2013-05-09
Meo: New frequency for RTP Africa: 12130.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:103 PID:4113[MPEG-4]/4114 Portuguese- Mediaguard 3 & Nagravision 3).

 Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), 2013-05-07
Meo: RTP Africa has left 12130.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID:103 PID:4113[MPEG-4]/4114 Portuguese)

 Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), 2013-05-05
Meo: New frequency for RTP Africa: 12130.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:103 PID:4113[MPEG-4]/4114 Portuguese- Mediaguard 3 & Nagravision 3).

 Hispasat 30W-4, 2013-03-01
Nos: New FEC for RTP Africa on 12149.00MHz, pol.V: FEC:5/6 ( SR:27500 SID:503 PID:7450/7451 Portuguese - Nagravision 3).

 Hispasat 30W-4, 2013-01-29
Nos: RTP Africa has left 11577.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:503 PID:7450/7451 Portuguese)

 Hispasat 30W-4, 2012-12-06
Nos: New frequency for RTP Africa: 12149.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:503 PID:7450/7451 Portuguese- Nagravision 3).

 Eutelsat 10A (12°W), 2012-09-16
New SID for RTP Africa on 10832.00MHz, pol.V FEC:5/6 SR:7637: SID:103 ( PID:1031[MPEG-4]/1032 Portuguese - Conax).

 Eutelsat 10A (12°W), 2012-06-23
A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Conax: RTP Africa (Portugal) on 10832.00MHz, pol.V SR:7637 FEC:5/6 SID:3 PID:31[MPEG-4]/512 Portuguese.

 Eutelsat 36B (50.5°E), 2012-06-09
Multichoice Africa: New PID for RTP Africa: PID:257/259 Portuguese SID:901 (11958.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 - Irdeto 2).

 Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), 2011-05-10
Meo: RTP Africa has left 12168.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID:103 PID:4113[MPEG-4]/4114 Portuguese)

 Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), 2011-04-20
Meo: New frequency for RTP Africa: 12168.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SR:26970 FEC:5/6 SID:103 PID:4113[MPEG-4]/4114 Portuguese- Mediaguard 3).

 Hispasat 30W-4, 2010-08-08
Nos: New FEC for RTP Africa on 11577.00MHz, pol.V: FEC:5/6 ( SR:27500 SID:503 PID:7450/7451 Portuguese - Nagravision 3).

 Eutelsat 36B (50.5°E), 2010-05-27
Multichoice Africa: RTP Africa is now encrypted in Irdeto 2 (11958.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:901 PID:258/259 Portuguese).

 Eutelsat 36B (50.5°E), 2010-05-26
Multichoice Africa: RTP Africa (Portugal) is now transmitted Free To Air (11958.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:901 PID:258/259 Portuguese).

 Hispasat 1C, 2009-09-01
Nos: RTP Africa has left 11851.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:964 PID:6848/6849 Portuguese)

 Hispasat 30W-4, 2009-09-01
Nos: New frequency for RTP Africa: 11577.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:503 PID:7450/7451 Portuguese- Nagravision 3).

 Hispasat 1C, 2009-05-20
Meo: RTP Africa has left 11731.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID:103 PID:4113[MPEG-4]/4114 Portuguese)

 Hispasat 1C, 2009-05-03
Meo: New frequency for RTP Africa: 11731.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:103 PID:4113[MPEG-4]/4114 Portuguese- Mediaguard 3).

 Hispasat 1C, 2008-11-21
Nos: RTP Africa has left 12012.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:713 PID:4401/4402 Portuguese)

 Hispasat 1C, 2008-10-29
Nos: New frequency for RTP Africa: 11851.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:964 PID:6848/6849 Portuguese- Nagravision 3).

 Hispasat 1C, 2008-03-11
A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Mediaguard 2: RTP Africa (Portugal) on 12012.00MHz, pol.H SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:103 PID:4113[MPEG-4]/4114 Portuguese.

 Hispasat 30W-4, 2005-05-14
Nos: RTP Africa has left 11574.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:713 PID:4401/4402 Portuguese)

 Hispasat 30W-4, 2005-04-19
Nos: New frequency for RTP Africa: 11574.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:713 PID:4401/4402 Portuguese- Nagravision & Nagravision 2).

 Hispasat 1C, 2002-11-26
Nos: A new channel has started in DVB-S Nagravision: RTP Africa (Portugal) on 12012.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:713 PID:4401/4402 Portuguese.


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