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Change Log: Vivid TV

Vivid TV (The Netherlands, Adult)

 Amos 3 (4°W), 2025-02-01
T-Home: Vivid TV has left 10842.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:1610 PID:90[MPEG-4]/89 aac English)

 Intelsat 38 (45°E), 2024-12-30
Vivacom: Vivid TV has left 12560.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:272 PID:2273[MPEG-4]/2373 aac English)

 Hellas Sat 3 (39°E), 2024-12-17
Bulsatcom: Vivid TV has left 12524.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:86 PID:238/338 English)

 Hellas Sat 3 (39°E), 2024-11-30
Bulsatcom: New frequency for Vivid TV: 12194.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SR:30000 FEC:5/6 SID:806 PID:238[MPEG-4]/338 aac English- Conax & Nagravision 3).

 Hot Bird 13F (13°E), 2024-03-13
Vivacom: Vivid TV has left 12635.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:272 PID:2273[MPEG-4]/2373 aac English)

 Hellas Sat 3 (39°E), 2021-10-01
Bulsatcom: A new channel has started in DVB-S BulCrypt & Conax & Nagravision 3: Vivid TV (The Netherlands) on 12524.00MHz, pol.H SR:30000 FEC:7/8 SID:86 PID:238/338 English.

 Hellas Sat 3 (39°E), 2021-09-30
Bulsatcom: Vivid TV has left 12524.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:86 PID:238/338)

 Intelsat 38 (45°E), 2021-04-11
Vivacom: Vivid TV has left 12560.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:213 PID:2213[MPEG-4]/2313 aac English,2413 aac Russian)

 Intelsat 38 (45°E), 2021-04-08
Vivacom: New frequency for Vivid TV: 12560.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SR:30000 FEC:5/6 SID:272 PID:2272[MPEG-4]/2372 aac English- Irdeto 2 & VideoGuard).

 Intelsat 38 (45°E), 2020-08-15
Vivacom: Vivid TV has left 11515.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:213 PID:2213[MPEG-4]/2313 aac English,2413 aac Russian)

 Hellas Sat 3 (39°E), 2020-04-11
Bulsatcom: A new channel has started in DVB-S BulCrypt & Nagravision 3: Vivid TV (The Netherlands) on 12524.00MHz, pol.H SR:30000 FEC:7/8 SID:86 PID:238/338.

 Intelsat 38 (45°E), 2019-07-26
Vivacom: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 VideoGuard: Vivid TV (The Netherlands) on 11515.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:213 PID:2213[MPEG-4]/2313 aac English,2413 aac Russian. Nights

 Eutelsat 16A (16°E), 2019-02-17
Max TV: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Nagravision 3: Vivid TV (The Netherlands) on 11678.25MHz, pol.H SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:34 PID:2819[MPEG-4]/2563.

 Intelsat 904 (29.4°W), 2019-02-08
Vivacom: Vivid TV has left 11595.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID:213 PID:2213[MPEG-4]/2313 aac English,2413 aac Russian)

 Intelsat 38 (45°E), 2019-02-08
Vivacom: New frequency for Vivid TV: 12560.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:213 PID:2213[MPEG-4]/2313 aac English,2413 aac Russian- VideoGuard). Nights

 Intelsat 904 (29.4°W), 2018-04-28
Vivacom: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 VideoGuard: Vivid TV (The Netherlands) on 11595.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:213 PID:2213[MPEG-4]/2313 aac Bulgarian. Nights

 Amos 3 (4°W), 2018-01-10
T-Home: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 Conax: Vivid TV (The Netherlands) on 10842.00MHz, pol.V SR:30000 FEC:3/4 SID:1610 PID:90[MPEG-4]/89 aac English. Nights

 Astra 1L (19.2°E), 2014-11-03
Canal Digitaal & TeleSat & TV Vlaanderen: A new channel has started in DVB-S Irdeto 2 & Mediaguard 3 & Nagravision 3: Vivid TV (The Netherlands) on 12515.25MHz, pol.H SR:22000 FEC:5/6 SID:4064 PID:564[MPEG-4]/90 English.


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